Many may consider what debt he owes to the PPL ,via the years of his distorted premiership, as Paid dues...
TDM need to also come to terms with the dictates of current modern day society demands for Just , Equitable laws of a real democratic goverment...
Authoritarian style of governance,of TDM's tenure , in a democracy today ,is as outmoded as the Mullet hairstyle of same era and needs to be - as abruptly and permanently terminated as like the tragic fate of Romania's Nicolae Ceascescu and the communist regime he lead...
Hmmm must admit.The thought of how " Ceaucescu and Wife " the most powerful and feared couple in the country -
And totally with impunity misuse ,abused , their power, persecuting ruthlessly dissenters ,the nation's treasury and resources
like their own piggy bank ,and with his cronies looted and executed wantonly those who protested their evil and
wrongdoing - and when their evil ways caught up with them ..?.
The thought of how they were sent back to their maker ,"executed by bullet in the head" by fellow Romanians. The death sentence for the misery and grief suffered by the
Romanians inflicted by ruthless , greedy brutal Ceaucescu.and his corrupted Goverment.
A morbidly appealling thought because of certain parallels to Malaysian situation.
And the " What If..." intriguing line of thought - becoz it is not that hard to think of the Whos or which infamous couple of our nation that may be deserving or merit the same fate meted to them. ,
Just like the Ceaucescus and many of his Cronies and Collaborating Accomplices that were arrested ,put on trial and excecuted , when the regime crumbled ....
Just mulling.,Who knows , history has a way of repeating itself or share same circumstances-
Literally if not Figuratively..!
Tun M not mincing of words...