
Lazada Malaysia

Verbal sparring racism

                                                    • in indonesia public school, the student did not required to wear hijab, but many girls wear it because of their own will, when ramadhan month, many restaurant on the street remain open but they covered with the curtain . and when i was in high school my non-muslim friends can eat their lunch in the classroom. and we the Muslims do not feel uncomfortable at all with that. why they just don't eat in their classroom ? apa kalian tidak kuat puasa jika melihat orang lain makan dan minum ?

                                                      It's political conditioning. In Indonesia, your government emphasised on homogenous integration and a society which does not infringe on the culture of it's individual peoples. In Malaysia, our government fosters division based on ethnicity and culture in order to sow distrust and fear among the races. A "divide and rule" strategy. Despite the governments exhortations that without them we would dissolve into race riots and anarchy, Malaysians by and large actually get along fine with each other.

                                                      in reply to JakartaJogja Citizen

                                                      The fact is Malays,Chinese & Indians are all Immigrants 'Pendatang' except the True Bumis  who are the Orang Asli,who have been here thousands of years before we all came. How can a newly arrived Indo Muslim be classied Bumi ? compared to non-malays who cleared the land,died defending Malaya and built the country still discriminated ? Hopefully one day all be treated equally. As Malaysians we should be loyal to Country, our National Language Malay & respect each other & focus on harmony.

                                                      That's right. In the end, we are all humans. We may have different ways of thinking, different religions and philosophies, but in the end we are all brothers. People who think they are better than others because of skin colour, country, religion, money or anything else are simply ignorant. The people who put children in a tiny room next to a toilet to eat their meals because they believe these kids religion is not as religious as their own has some serious problems to deal with.

                                                • AdamTezz AdamTezz
                                                  Funny thing is the Chinese over there speaks Indo while most of the Chinese in Malaysia despise Malay language... Integration much?
                                                  in reply to grimweird
                                              • grimweird 
                                                As far as the idea of integration and language is concerned. I believe far more Chinese and Indians can speak BM and even English well is far higher than Malays can speak (or is interested in speaking) anything other than Malay. I believe there's a reason for this and it has nothing to do with which race is smarter. I think it's more because certain parties WANT them to only understand Malay. These parties want to make sure their only source of information and education is the Malaysian version.
                                                in reply to AdamTezz
                                            • AdamTezz 
                                              I don't care about other language, and I'm talking about Malay being the national language.
                                              in reply to grimweird
                                          • grimweird 
                                            Of course you don't care. That's my point. The mentality taught is "You MUST speak the national language. If you are Malaysian, no other language is important. If you learn other languages then you are unpatriotic and should get out of the country." Right? Also... "We need not know about other cultures or other beliefs because our values and society is the best. All others are less important and following any other way of thinking will result in chaos and destabilize our country." Correct?
                                            in reply to AdamTezz

                                            (And here is where it gets interesting with name calling and profanities thrown in but one side kept cool...)

                                        • AdamTezz 
                                          Asking to embrace our national identity is not implying that other language is unimportant. Do Japanese people think that English is useless when they embrace their national identity? Arguing with a liberal idiots like you is a waste of time
                                          in reply to grimweird
                                      • grimweird 
                                        LOL! "Arguing" with an idiot like me, as you call it, is indeed a waste of time and effort for you. Maybe you should consider stopping before you hurt your cute little brain too much :) By the way, if you want to use English to insult me on the internet, may I suggest improving your grammar? Alternatively, use BM, I can understand and write perfectly well in either language.
                                        n reply to AdamTezz
                                    • AdamTezz 
                                      I'm not here to argue grammar. Stop trying to change the topic, liberal scum.
                                      Like I said, embracing our national identity is not implying that other languages or cultures useless or whatsoever. Most non-Malays refuse to embrace, desecrate our national language and religion on daily basis (this incident in this video is an example). It is clear to me that they don;t want to be Malaysians, but they want Malaysia to be like them. Chinasia perhaps
                                      in reply to grimweird
                                  • grimweird 
                                    Angry now? :Like I said, how many non-Malays can speak BM well? This is of course in addition to their mother tongue AND English. So they are essentially trilingual. What about Malays? Now I'm not saying Malays are stupider. But they ARE more limited by language and consequently information and cultural barriers. Consequently they are easier to manipulate as they can only access local and often only mainstream sources of information. You for example are an excellent example of what can result.
                                    in reply to AdamTezz
                                • AdamTezz 
                                  Your kind is lucky enough that our ancestors didn't decide to rip your mother tongue away like how the did to the Indo-Chinese. Yet here you are showing your arrogance, thinking that you are smart with your Western liberal and atheistic thinking.
                                  Your face deserves to be spat on.
                                   in reply to grimweird
                              • grimweird 
                                Thank you for reinforcing your own ignorance and racist image in this "argument" : By the way, if by "our ancestors" you mean the Malays, then it may interest you to know that they as a race were originally from southern China. As were most proto-Malays in the region. Thats INFORMATION. As to my arrogance, I'm sorry if I came across as such to you, I thought I was being rather polite :) Maybe your version of "arrogance" differs from mine. Luckily for me, you can't spit over the internet :

                                 in reply to AdamTezz
                            • The fact is Malays,Chinese & Indians are all Immigrants 'Pendatang' except the True Bumis  who are the Orang Asli,who have been here thousands of years before we all came. How can a newly arrived Indo Muslim be classied Bumi ? compared to non-malays who cleared the land,died defending Malaya and built the country still discriminated ? Hopefully one day all be treated equally. As Malaysians we should be loyal to Country, our National Language Malay & respect each other & focus on harmony.
                              Typical "liberal" argument.
                              They came through natural migration and assimilated with the Nusantaran cultures, not through British occupations. Not only that, through corruption(by licking those Brit's balls) they managed to take most of the capitals(mines, factories). And now in this era they step on our national religion and language and expect the whole Nusantara to embrace their liberal culture.
                              If I'm racist to speak the truth, then so be it.
                               in reply to grimweird
                          • grimweird 
                            LOL!!! You can't even READ... Please, read what I wrote carefully and in full... Also stop sabotaging the logic in your own arguments. Your credibility is already gone after all. You are making it too easy for me to make fun of you. But I still need some satisfaction from ridiculing you after all... C'mon, throw me a bone here... :P
                            in reply to AdamTezz
                        • AdamTezz 
                          You can't refute my statement then you ask me to re-read.. You are this pathetic? (ohh wait, most liberals are pathetic) I understand your statement completely, next you are going to say that Parameswara came from Indonesia therefore Malay Sultanates don't belong here?
                          Why not bring the Neanderthal as well?
                           in reply to grimweird
                      • grimweird 
                        *Sigh* This may be a stretch for you since you are obviously a racist and a wilfully ignorant person who disregards facts in favour of indoctrination and hate. But just search for "Sejarah Melayu" on the internet. The Neanderthals? They went extinct tens of thousands of years ago. Although in your case... :)
                        in reply to AdamTezz
                    • AdamTezz 
                      Call me a racist, sexist or rapist I don't fucking care. Facts will always remain as facts no matter how racist they are. Refute my statement or shut the fuck up.
                      Sighing now? Fuck your feelings too
                      Search for a guy named Tai Zee Kin in Facebook, he shall teach you Chinese liberal scum some respect towards the Nusantaran culture and the true meaning of integration and ASSIMILATION. He is the Chinese worth of my respect, while you deserves to be beheaded.
                      in reply to grimweird
                  • grimweird 
                    Heh... Relax man. You might bust an artery. Also, isn't it the Puasa month? Don't be so angry lah. Afterward batal puasa. Mencarut so much already LOLZ!!! "Sabar itu separuh daripada Iman" right? Also, exactly how sure are you that I'm Chinese? Or in your vocabulary "Cina Babi"? I may possibly be a "Keling" y'know? So you see my dear racist friend I am well "Integrated" into your kind's idea of "1Malaysia" and "Assimilation". Pity you don't respect me. I'll make sure to cry you a river later :
                     in reply to AdamTezz
                • AdamTezz 
                  I don't hate Chinese, I have many Chinese friends. I just hate liberal scums like you who worship whatever your European countries or the US do in the name of absolute freedom.
                  So proud being Westernized much?
                  Btw, Muslims go to war during fasting month in the past...
                   in reply to grimweird
              • grimweird 
                Now you're making up your own fantasy fiction. My, my, my. WHERE did you get these impressions of poor little me from? Was my plain logic unpalatable to your racist palate? Or the fact that I'm pounding you to the ground in this "argument" that you started and you have nothing else to throw at me but the evil, arch-fiend, Satanic "Budaya Barat" that your brainwashers drilled into you? :D Go to war? Yes. Insulted strangers and became furious because someone disagrees with them? No. Anything else?
                 in reply to AdamTezz
            • AdamTezz 
              Awwww tell me how not "Barat" you are now.
              You are pounding me? You can't even refute any of my facts, are like those feminists who love to pat themselves in the back?
              I know a liberal when I see one. So.. going clubbing this weekend? Zouk? Cool guy la you! So Barat! Perfect way of life eyh? All the people in Malaysia should embrace your style.
              Feeling like a nigger bro? Naiseeeeeee...
              in reply to grimweird
          • grimweird 
            LOL!!! It's always morbidly fascinating to me how a xenophobic mind works and what sort of imagery it conjures up based solely on hate and ignorance. Tell me my dear misguided friend, what "facts" have you really presented other than the racial hate speech you were trained to use by your peers? Where will YOU be on the weekends if a "kafir" like me is allowed to ask without being beheaded? I'm just asking because I prefer facts to assumptions or fantasy :)
             in reply to AdamTezz
        • AdamTezz 
          So smart! All religions are just fantasy to you, and deep in your hearts you just despise the fact that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia! But this is Malaysia, not USA. You can go to USA and pretend to be a nigger all you like. But in Malaysia, just shut the fuck up la... Pretending to be a Westerner here is not as cool as you think.
          Why are you so obsessed with Western culture? You don't even have the face to match with them.
           in reply to grimweird
      • grimweird 
        Wow... Is there ANYONE you don't hate? :So... Where are the "facts" you presented? Do you have ANY contribution other than hate, racism, cultural intolerance and your own twisted assumptions? No? Lastly, I don't despise Islam, I don't really even despise you for accusing me of so much with so little justification. Instead I forgive ALL your many "fitnah" against me. In the spirit of Ramadan, I ask that you forgive me if I made you angry with my excellent arguments and obviously superior logic.
         in reply to AdamTezz
    • AdamTezz 
      I just told you dumbfuck, I just hate liberal dogs like you. Can't you READ?
      This canteen incident being blown out of proportion (fitnah) portraying that Islam is "oppressive" is just a pathetic rebuttal from your kind to back up your big brother Alvin Tan (bet you gonna say that yo don't support him. Haha liberals are two faced).
      My fact is simple, embrace and respect our national identity or get the fuck out :)
      And stop it with the pretty words and slogans. I don't buy them
      in reply to grimweird
  • grimweird 
    Easy on the swearing on this holy month my friend. Surely you can get your "points" across without resorting to obscenities. You can right? : Also, I challenge you to find one, just one anti-islamic statement in the comments  Lastly, I've made my position plain in the "Alvin, Vivian didakwa hari ini, tidak dibenar ikat jamin" also by MalaysiaKini, look it up if it's not too much for your ego. Any other accusations or fitnah? Pretty "slogans"? Sorry, I thought you were a Muslim.
    in reply to AdamTezz

    Don't know about you but I am sold by grimweird and think i have to stand in his corner..

    from this you tube comment thread

    Shows us here how stupid racism can be.